Tuesday, 6 February 2018

DIY Zine Task

What is Zine?
 Is most commonly a small-circulation self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images, usually reproduced via photocopier. Which are also known as fanzines.

What is a Fanzine?
 A magazine,  usually produced by amateurs,  for fans of a particular performer, group, or form of entertainment.

  • A cheap easy process
  • Experimental
  • Photocopied 
  • Broad topics, fan fiction, politics, poetry, art etc...
  • Bands in Punk/hardcore era
  • Football fanzines
Examples of Mark Perry’s Sniffin Glue and Shane MacGowan’s Bondage:

Image result for Examples of Mark Perry Sniffin Glue and Shane MacGowan’s Bondage.Image result for Examples of Mark Perry Sniffin Glue and Shane MacGowan’s Bondage.

My zine that I created: